Saturday, August 2, 2014

Privateer: Wretched Soul Page 19 (and bonus content)

Excuses first, comics later:
This next page is a combination of me being dumb and getting wrapped up in podcasts, streams and also concept art for the next few pages to follow. Truth be told, I had a rough idea of what I wanted these guys (and gal) to look like, but I never really made a final sheet or general color scheme for the rogues and vagabonds that play a big part in the story. They sort of looked like this first time around:

I tried basing them a bit off "The Gang Green Gang" from powerpuff girls (a tall snake-like guy, a cool leader, the short one, the muscle and a wild card) except as middle-eastern pirates. When I got to the next page I realized that being approached by five strange people in the middle of the night isn't as concerning as three people bringing dance and drink and song, so I dropped two of them.

The tall character became less of a side roll and more of a charismatic beauty. I still wanted a cut-throat assassin who was sneaky and dexterous and changed the mysterious robed man to a woman of ??? faith, so that these dudes might have a little more credibility/approach. Also here are some designs of "Gipsy" that I finalized before her page and opening happened:

(Huh, wonder what happens to her, that makes her look that rough afterwards~ OH WELL.) Anyway, I'm sorry for the delay. Still playing with the next few pages and trying to make the story flow and work a little better. I'll try and post my thoughts as I go.

Final product. Thanks for checking in~