Saturday, September 13, 2014

Privateer: Wretched Soul Reorganize

It's been uncomfortable admitting this but I have been working and slacking something awful. Most of my comic work has been trying to make the story fit and work. I guess I understand why most print comic artists don't post their work in sequence so that there is a freedom to move things around, then again I also understand why they advise comic writers/artists to work fast since an idea can evolve and change as you work.

I will try and explain what I've been working with and how everything has been/can be moved.

Page 20 (now 21)
I knew I wanted a connection between the orange colored love interest and the purple rogues and vagabonds that arrive on the shore, but I wasn't sure how to show how devastating the effect of her absence would be with just one page of character interaction between her and the protagonist. I also wasn't sure if I needed to explain how she left or how she could leave without our protagonist knowing, but the ship was going to show later in the series and I wasn't sure if I needed it for the story for clarity or if it was just holding me back from working.

Page 20 (redacted)
This would have been the next page. Lots of lanterns and a more oriental sort of look since it would/will become the ghost ship later. I decided that this page was too revealing that she left on her own terms a little too happily and I wanted the reader to decide for themselves or to make their own decision after seeing how the main character felt confronting her again in later books and the look of who she would become as well.

Page 18 (now)
After finishing earlier pages and feeling that there wasn't enough of a connection between the orange and green characters I wanted to add another page of their relationship to help with establishing what they meant to each other before the disappearance occurred. This way the loss could be taken as a kidnapping or more selfish/hurtful to the green character later.

Page 22
This is it, the big origin story page and the reveal of why that amulet has been so important. It's been with us since the tavern in the opening page and that transition from the sepia tone past to the grayscale future seals the time gap. I'm not sure if there's enough of a transition from the dancing around the fire page to the wake-up reveal, but I think there's just enough to make the connection that she was gone the next day.

Only 2 more pages left for this issue to be finished. I think that this story needs more love and attention to be a full series or at least a 72 page graphic novel, but I will at least post concept art of the next 2 stories and maybe even the outline for both "Ghost Ship" and "Devil's Call". I have a few more realizations about what this story means to me since I've been working on it and how to cope with that, but I will leave that for another time.

Thanks for checking in.

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