Thursday, March 27, 2014

Privateer: Wretched Soul Page 7

OK, so we're still doing this progress thing. Mostly because I don't want to be stuck on this page and because I owe you all more than I'm giving. The main character is colored in and the background has a little more detail, but I think the main character is a tad too dark to read from the background. Ill add some color and see if it's enough of a difference, and if not then we'll lighten the character layers... also the sky looks really weird without a darker gradient to the almost black sea, so that'll be another addition.


The gradient in the sky works much nicer and the color certainly did make the character pop, but it was a tad too saturated for this page layout, so we drop it down to 90%. Lighten the character layers, drop the background down to 90% opacity as well and make sure that poop joke in the last panel makes sense... it's very classy.

If these pages keep taking me too long to put out, then I might keep this process up if only for my state of mind... this is a blog after all. I promise to keep updating even if it's all filler, I owe myself and you crazy readers that.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Privateer Wretched Soul Page 7 Progress

I'm going to start posting the process for how I do these pages. You can see the linework from last week in a previous post, currently this is the base color for both characters and background. (Yes, the seagulls count as characters and yes they are also on separate layers.)

Next is the detail and texture of the background/ship. The sky has been given a light gradient except for the clouds and the water is much much darker with emphasis on the cresting waves. The ship could use much more variance and value along with the ocean, so I'll call this background texturing a "first pass". Keep in mind I wanted this series to be 'simple' so I don't want to make it too realistic, but it does look much muddier than earlier versions. Next up is the texture/value on the main character, some minor tweaks and strokes on the ship. The last step is color, which is all fairly easy and loose as well.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Privateer: Excuses & Filler

It turns out that I may be biting off more than I can chew with art-related materials.
I'd love to tell you that Privateer is only in the ink stage because I'm busy working on other art or something dire happened... but it's mostly because of Towerfall releasing for steam. It's super fun and the pink archer is clearly the best character.

I am working on a podcast with a few of my good friends about Tropes in T.V., movies, video games and the occasional anime. It should release in 5 weeks or so. I just need to find time to edit and post 'em on Youtube and Soundcloud.

I'll release a step by step for the next filler and a full 7th page of the story. So don't hit me too hard, ok?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Privateer: Wretched Soul Page 6

I am very surprised and also hopeful at how quickly and well I managed to make this page turn out. Only two days with around 4 to 5 hours of line-work and coloring. If this first chapter turns up before June I'm buying everyone Beyblades (and not the cheap ones, either).

That locket keeps showing up and no one even knows anything about it, except maybe Eagen. The next 7 or 8 pages show what this ship is all about and how they break in new deck-hands. Maybe we'll even get some dialogue out of them (probably not).