Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Privateer Wretched Soul Page 7 Progress

I'm going to start posting the process for how I do these pages. You can see the linework from last week in a previous post, currently this is the base color for both characters and background. (Yes, the seagulls count as characters and yes they are also on separate layers.)

Next is the detail and texture of the background/ship. The sky has been given a light gradient except for the clouds and the water is much much darker with emphasis on the cresting waves. The ship could use much more variance and value along with the ocean, so I'll call this background texturing a "first pass". Keep in mind I wanted this series to be 'simple' so I don't want to make it too realistic, but it does look much muddier than earlier versions. Next up is the texture/value on the main character, some minor tweaks and strokes on the ship. The last step is color, which is all fairly easy and loose as well.

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